董事会遴选博士. Jeffrey P. 纳斯成为新的PCC总理
A student in automotive program poses 和 smiles while working on a vehicle on a lift



对我们的节目有问题吗? The following is a list of the most common questions we receive. If you have additional questions please contact one of our 项目顾问 或者参观我们的 会话信息.


每个汽车最全菠菜导航是3学分,将花费大约$456学费加上$30实验室费用. AUT 142有50美元的实验室费用. (每班$486-$506)
Total cost breakdown for the mechanics certificate program can be found 在这里.
Total cost breakdown for the Associate degree can be found 在这里.
The automotive program has just ONE required textbook, which typically runs $60-$180 depending on w在这里 you buy it, 如果你买的是新的和用过的. 我们不需要任何网络访问附加组件. 教材只. 学生将需要透明的,非有色的安全眼镜或侧护眼镜. 这两种饮料的价格都在5-15美元左右,可以通过我们的自动售货机在现场买到.
学生可申请 先前学习评估 to see if any previous work experience may be substituted for college credit. 所有的请求都是逐案处理的. 已经获得ASE或其他行业认证的学生可以在完成其教育目标的过程中节省时间和金钱.
While t在这里 are no specific prerequisites regarding these particular skills, 应该理解,这是一个高度技术性的领域,将需要一些语言的先验知识, 数学, 和 especially computers (all content is hosted online). 基本的沟通对于技术人员能够向主管或客户解释他们的诊断过程是必要的. 在进行各种车辆系统的测量和调整时,需要基本的数学知识. Computer knowledge is quite possibly the most important for newer technicians, 考虑到现在一辆经济舱的模块比15-20年前最豪华的客车还多. 大多数学生都有能力在这个项目中取得成功,只要他们愿意在需要的时候寻求帮助.


是的, the PCC 汽车技术 program is accredited by ASEEF, the Automotive Service Excellence 教育 Foundation. Visit ASE 教育 Foundation to learn more about this organization. ASEEF认证意味着我们的汽车专业学生将遵循国家认可的最全菠菜导航, covering eight critical areas aligned with the industry-recognized ASE certifications. The program is evaluated every five years by ASEEF, most recently in 2020.


The greatest strength of the PCC Automotive program is flexibility. 所有的汽车最全菠菜导航都是自定进度,并利用网络教学和实践培训的混合. 我们一周有14个班,每个班提供所有15门汽车最全菠菜导航. 学生与实验室工作人员一起制定最全菠菜导航时间表,以满足他们现有的义务. 出勤率每周评估一次, meaning that if a student cannot attend their regularly schedule class time, 他们被允许参加任何其他可用的班次,以满足他们的出勤要求.


PCC与斯巴鲁和斯特兰提斯(MOPAR/克莱斯勒)合作,为所有PCC汽车专业的学生提供额外的培训机会. Our partners have supplied curriculum, vehicles 和 equipment for student training. We also offer Snap-On (NC3) industry recognized training 和 certification.


All Automotive Faculty are ASE Master level Certified, 员工和兼职教授持有ASE认证以及福特的各种工厂认证, 克莱斯勒, 斯巴鲁, 现代, 和更多的.


Our program strives to remove as many barriers for our students as possible. 我们15门课只需要一本教科书, all additional learning materials are provided to the student. 我们策划并提供所有必要的工具,为我们的最全菠菜导航的实践培训部分.


PCC Automotive students are trained using state of the art tools 和 vehicles. 通过使用自动化工具控制系统, 学生可以亲自动手使用一些最先进的诊断设备. 大部分用于实践训练的车辆是2018年或之后的车辆,定期部署新的车辆.

The AAS can offer a significant advantage to being hired over simply a certificate. Not only does the AAS reflect mastery of additional automotive knowledge, but also soft skills that are extremely desirable to employers. 获得AAS可以让雇主知道你作为一名技术人员的价值,你不仅能修车,还能向同事和客户解释并有效沟通.
The general automotive program has no additional application, though future programs may require special consideration.
完成的时间将取决于学生和适合他们的最全菠菜导航负荷. 假设全日制入学(每学期12学分),证书可以在一年之内完成,学位大约在2年内完成. 建议的学期路径 原子吸收程度汽车技工证书 可以在网上找到.


Most of our automotive classes have no prerequisites, though t在这里 may be some suggestions for specific courses. 在一般情况下, 我们建议从证书级别的最全菠菜导航开始,因为它们可以应用于证书和AAS.
The Automotive program hours of operation can be seen 在这里. 所有最全菠菜导航都可以在我们白天开放的14个班次中的任何一个班次提供给学生. Students attend once per week for each class they are enrolled in.
位于市中心校区的汽车技术与创新中心是最先进的, 45,000平方英尺, air conditioned training facility that houses 20 vehicle lifts of varying design, 30 +车辆, 超过30个额外工作站, 和 access to some of the latest 和 greatest electronic 和 diagnostic equipment. 学生们在实验室里会得到iPad pro, to view instructional content while working on actual cars 和 components, 并访问ProDem和 -最新的在线车间手册,这方面的经销商. 除了实验室空间, t在这里 are two high-tech classrooms with video streaming capabilities, 两个传统智能教室, on-site faculty offices 和 a quiet 2nd floor sitting area that overlooks the lab.
The majority of course content is delivered through pre-recorded activities, produced in house by PCC automotive staff 和 faculty members. While the videos are available through the D2L online system, 大多数活动都必须在实验室完成,并由汽车工作人员进行评估. 在实验室里, 学生还将有机会获得4名或更多合格的教师,他们可以在一对一的教学环境中帮助澄清或分解概念. 此外, 整个星期都有辅导,帮助学生完成家庭作业和书面作业.
我们的主要目标之一是加强个人责任和个人责任. 像这样, our students operate independently 和 mostly autonomously when in the lab, 在员工监督下. 为了加强团队合作和专业合作,某些活动被设计为与伙伴一起执行.
This is one of the biggest draws of our program versus some other colleges. 我们的最全菠菜导航几乎100%都是亲身实践. 可能有一两个学习站主要关注某个系统的操作理论, 但我们总是尝试将实践活动纳入这些类型的学习模块中. 另外, 因为我们注重独立自主, every student is given the opportunity to perform every task in every course they take. 比如给轮胎充气, to fully removing 和 reinstalling an engine or transmission, you will have an opportunity to get “h和s-on” with just about every part of a car.


绝对! 除了注册最全菠菜导航和支付学费外,汽车项目没有入学要求. We strive to cater to interested students of all types, 无论是想要提升技能的资深技术人员,还是想要寻找方向的高中毕业生,以及介于两者之间的人.
雇主总是与我们联系需要填补的职位,他们总是在寻找表现出强烈职业道德的自我激励的学生. 我们和 雇主参与及就业服务 提供与当地工业的联系.


我们的大部分最全菠菜导航都是为了配合ASE a系列(A1-A9)的技术人员认证而设计的. 完成相关最全菠菜导航后, 学生应能够通过指定的ASE认证考试,并在满足工作要求后获得完整的认证. Our courses will prepare students to take ASE certification exams, not provide ASE certification (No program can give the ASE certification, 因为测试总是通过第三方完成的).

Snap-On (NC3)认证

PCC has integrated several industry recognized NC3 certifications into our courses. 不像ASE认证, PCC能够对学生在NC3最全菠菜导航中的某些工具和主题进行全面认证.


是也不是. While the NC3 certifications are fully included with their respective courses, ASE certification requires a 3rd party (ASE) registration 和 testing process. The specific costs associated with ASE certifications can be found on their website.

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